The show presents inspirational role models and focuses on positivity. We work hard to keep it free of any political, religious, gender, or other bias.
1. Guest: Zack Weaver, Creative technologist
Boulder Public Library Makerspace, Building 61
Topic: Makerspaces
Show’s key messages:
- Schools are not the only learning centers
- Grades are not the sole indicator of life success
KGNU link to listen to the show
2. Guest: Heather Terenzio, CEO
Techtonic Inc.
Topic: Use apprenticeships to switch to software careers
Show’s key messages:
- Young and old can make a career change to software
- Key is aligning commitment to learn above experience
KGNU Link to listen to the show
3. Guests: Angela Lanci-Macris, Division Director
Case Management and Community Outreach, Boulder County Housing and Human Services
Elaan Budno, Program Manager of the Parent as teacher program
Topic: Parents as Teachers early education program
Show’s key messages:
- Early educational foundation is critical to life success
- Engage Boulder County resources to seek help
KGNU link to listen to the show
4. Guests: Mariah Garcia and Pilar Chissel
– Special Ed teachers from Boulder Valley School District
Topic: How community and teachers collaborate to support special needs students
Show’s key messages:
- Education is goes beyond academics
- Community engagement is key to growth
KGNU link to listen to the show
5. Guest: Ben Gromicko, Dean
InterNACHI School for home inspectors
Topic: Home Inspector School
Show’s key messages:
- Do what matches your aptitude
- College and grades are not the only progress paths
KGNU link to listen to the show
6. Guest: Ken Wood, Philanthropist and entrepreneur
Topic: Life skills training for prisoners
Show’s key messages:
- If prisoners had these skills they would not be there
- Why it’s important to change companionship and expectations to change life
KGNU link to listen to the show
7. Guest: Elaina Shively, Assistant Director
Center for Prevention and Restorative
Assistant District Attorney, Boulder County
Topic: How the restorative and Diversion justice work.
Show’s key messages:
- New justice program? Diversion and Restorative justice
- Who can and how to engage this alternative process
KGNU Link to listen to the show
8. Guest: Andrew Hyde, Entrepreneur, author, co-owner, Trident Cafe, leader of startup events
Topic: Entrepreneurial initiatives Boulder
Show’s key messages:
- Boulder’s eclectic nature and community
- The marvel of innovative, entrepreneurial culture
KGNU link to listen to the show
Upcoming Shows -
9. Guest: Brad Feld, Managing Director, The Foundry Group
Co-founder, TechStars
Topic: The life and journey of an entrepreneur
10. Guests: Jason Mendelson, Entrepreneur, philanthropist
Stacy Putka, Program Director
Defy Ventures Colorado
Topic: Prison entrepreneurship education