Don Miguel Ruiz’s masterful little gem packs wisdom and practicality to power individual transformation to reach freedom. The four agreements free us from rules enforced upon us in childhood, traumas we endured in life, and experiences we accumulated in good and bad times. The agreements allow us to rise above emotional responses that distort our reactions to taking actions that match our values.

Core Message

Many of us respond to life and set expectations for ourselves based on early life experiences, not exercising the power we have to reset our dreams, aspirations, and goals as they fit our priorities and desires in the current times.

How do these concepts compare with points raised in other books?

Wiser voices have said that everything we can say about human wisdom has been said before. Every hundred years, the same message repeats to fit the times, tools, and technologies that frame life in the current. Don’s book contains the wisdom of the ages. It is special because it is a short, concise, and clear. It engages the reader right away and leaves the reader asking questions that go to the heart of his/her/their life.

What the book does well.

The book inspires and challenges the reader to question their own life prejudices, trespasses, hardships, and fears. It presents a fast pass to speed transformation.

What could have made this book better?

This is a great book as it.

Who would benefit from reading this book?

Everyone needs a reminder about the inspiration to achieve our full potential. This book is for everyone. Given the short and direct nature of the book’s content,

How this book affected me

The book inspired me to:

(1) Reflect on life’s blessings and hardships

(2) Assess my trespasses whether and how I took accountability and executed remedy.

(3) Reexamine my toolset to deal with difficult scenarios and people.

(4) Recommit to gaining clarity of my tomorrows so that I can be centered and grounded in reality today.

(5) Initiate plans to convey and cap any loose ends that are important to me.

This is a great book to retune thinking, affirm priorities, and test our own authenticity.

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