Sustained progress is fueled by the deep desire to meet compelling needs. Often the best lessons come from being knocked down, broken trust, and accidental demolition. Generally, rising above adversity forges character and confidence.

When living is relative comfort and affluence, many are living lives sans deep fulfillment even when awesome teachers, coaches, and schools sell fantastic programs to reach potential and build fantastic lives. A disproportionately large number of brilliant, talented, and compassionate adults are precariously floating in lifeboats subjected to anxiety, fear, and humiliation. Neither graduate school educations or years of prestigious company employments, nor expensive training programs have delivered deep fulfillment for them to experience the joy of living authentic lives.

Why are more people not living fulfilling lives?

One reason why many people don’t reach fulfillment is that iron-boot academic, training, and inspirational programs break the participants’ feet to fit the fixed, rigid cast of the boot instead of letting the participants put forward their foot and have the teachers, coaches, and programs build the shoe by wrapping each individual foot to custom fit it. Many people choose conformance to policy and procedures with the motivation to avail benefits sacrificing personal values, priorities, and needs. When the shift in habits is not connected to one’s own priorities, new habits don’t take hold – – no fertile soil for roots to take hold short term or long term.
Another reason is the unrealistic expectation of overnight transformation with or without guidance and support. Overnight transformations are possible in extreme circumstances under life threatening situations, unexpected accidents, or by extraordinary efforts. Change is easier when we have the support and cooperation of a trusted community. Seeking support is harder in these times when everyone is stressed to earn a living and no one has time to invest in others, let alone themselves.

The Reverse the Chase, let opportunity chase you® 5-week program. Building a life that is worthy of you is on you! This guided and customized program enables the participants to discover their own compelling needs, range of talents, and potential paths to building a fulfilling life. They learn to ask themselves questions and see their reality with deeper clarity. The irreversible skills not only make participants the architects of their destiny but also inspirational heroes for those who matter to them. The program teaches useful lifeskill tools which the participants custom fit to their own needs.

Program Snapshot

The outcome is internally self-fueled power to make opportunities chase you. Every participant is changed. Every participant sees life differently, has new tools, and has clarity about his/her own treasure of trust, life priorities, and progress action plan. Every participant knows what it will take in every moment to live the authentic life full of vigor, creativity, and confidence. Building a life that is truly worthy of you is on you!

No parent, teacher, coach, school, or company can build your life. If they go out of their way to help, they can indeed weaken you from developing your own strengths and skills by robbing your opportunities to face life and learn. Instead, when they train you to learn and use tools, they equip you to frame and forge your own path – one that is worthy of you. This is the approach of this 5 week program. To shine the light for you to discover, to show the tools you can customize for your use, and to spar with you to let you develop your own stride. Result: internally driven clarity and confidence, and authenticity and humility.

Participation is limited because time is limited. Candidates must demonstrate serious motivation and need to participate. What is their compelling reason for seeking progress? My passion to serve calls for focus, devotion, and problem solving. If directed to those who are not yet ready to commit to their own rise, I deprive those who have compelling reasons from achieving their clarity and progress. As well, I forfeit the genuine satisfaction of seeing that the seeds we planted together are taking root and coming to healthy life. If you are ready to chart your path, don’t wait.

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